
Education is said to be the most important channel for preparing the young minds for their future. The world at large is striving on this altruistic quest to make education available and accessible for all, as it is considered as the only way to ending challenges like war, violent, terrorism, racism, tyrannous government, bad economic state and more facing our world today, and improve people’s productivity, interaction and coexistence with each other. The UN Millennium Development Goal seeks out to improve the access of every child of school going age to education.

a Free school looks like this
normal class

These are normal school conditions for kids in Cameroon: make shift buildings and very few learning materials.

moslem class
teacher in class

we fund children's education

Since its inception in 2009, the Help Cameroon foundation has raised funds to support children who have financial challenges in the pursuit of quality education, so that they also can study in boarding schools in more conducive conditions. Without such support such children are condemned to the poor education systems and simply will have no future.

free in theory only

In Cameroon, there is an educational initiative scheme by the government of Cameroon to make education free for all, that is, every child may go to primary school for free. But this development is faced with challenges like overcrowding in classes, rationing of learning materials and so on, due to limited infrastructure and suitable learning materials. Therefore, every parent is still expected to buy for the child all kinds of extras or to pay extras to the schools.  Wealthier families are able to send their children to well-resourced schools where they gain much competitive advantage over the children in the public schools. As a result, many talented children from poor families are not able to further their education and drop out of school early or are so poorly prepared to compete with their age mates from the wealthier families. The talented orphans (especially of HIV/AIDS parents) are the most disadvantaged.

Donate here

If you would like to contribute to our work that provides children with meaningful education of which they will benefit for a lifetime then please help us by donating here below.